Momina Iqbal Reveals Her Beauty Created Problems For Her

Remember Momina Iqbal from the hit drama “Ehd e Wafa”? Her talent and charm stole hearts, making her a household name. But while many praise her beauty, Momina reveals it hasn’t always been easy.

Momina shines in diverse roles, from positive to complex characters. Whether rocking Eastern elegance or Western styles, she carries it all with grace. But in a recent interview on “Mazaq Raat,” she opened up about a surprising side to her beauty.

Momina shared that her stunning looks haven’t been a career booster, as some might think. Instead, she’s faced negativity and jealousy from others, creating unnecessary struggles. It’s a reality she’s encountered multiple times throughout her life.

This is what she shared:

This honest revelation shows there’s more to Momina than just her gorgeous looks. She’s a talented actress who’s faced challenges head-on. It’s a message that resonates: true beauty lies within, and success comes from dedication and hard work.

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